Point of View

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per·spec·tive:  a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

I decided I needed a story from a recent image that I captured out on the north end of the Great Salt Lake in Utah from a certain point of view, as I have entitled this image. We often see images and places over and over of the same subject and sometimes they can be rather uninteresting or boring, but I feel if we stop and think about what we are looking at, or photographing there is always a way of getting a new point of view. Sometimes you need to slow down, think, what is your heart telling or whispering to you? What is that voice in the back of your mind speaking? When I arrived at the Spiral Jetty, as this location is called, it seemed plain, boring, and not very interesting as most images of this location portray. But I had an idea and some inspiration to try something different. Using my 300ft tripod with propellers, and looking at it from a different point of view, from above. What I brought back with me was right down breathtaking. The landscape changed. It became amazing to me with all the colors, shapes, and textures. The image took on a totally different feeling. It made my imagination work, for instance this image reminded me of the Geoglyphic Art of Chile's Atacama Desert found down in South America that you only can see from an airplane, it also reminded me of a microscopic organism or an abstract art piece hanging in a fine museum.

 So the experience that I brought back from this image was, take your time and look. Don’t be quick to judge. There is more here than meets the eye, just change your point of view.

Shane Lind