A Step at Time

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I was out wondering and exploring a small trail on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State a few years back and happened to come upon this set of stairs made into the trail. To me, this sight was truly captivating and the creativity in me had to stop and photograph for a time. When I was looking at this image later something more caught my attention and a deeper meaning and thought came to my mind. STEPS is what I saw in this photograph. Progress happens one step at a time, I thought to myself, like the trails that we choose to travel in our life. Some steps are small, some are big, some steps are forward, and unfortunately sometime backwards. Some steps are steep while others are easy, and some can be slippery while most are not. The key is to always make steps, always try to move forward while always being aware that when you stop trying to make steps and become stagnant, progress stops, growth stops, and we start stepping backwards. Remember, we cannot achieve all things at once, it takes steps. When you look at this image, I hope you see steps differently now and may you keep moving forward.

Shane LindComment